The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) says it currently has a 20 week delay for processing requests. It is apparently working hard to continue to deliver its services on time but, in the meantime, has some useful tools so you can get it right first time.

The OPG suggests people register their Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) in advance of needing it. So, once it is completed, make sure you send it in in good time. Remember that the LPA won’t come into effect until the Donor has lost capacity, unless they give the Attorney permission to help them while they still have capacity.

Don’t bother us for 140 days

The 20 week delay runs from the time that your application is received until it is registered. The OPG asks that you get in touch only if you have not heard from it after that time has passed.

Get it right the first time

The OPG has created some online tools to help you get the application right, so that time is not wasted having to return the document to you. If you use the online service, you will also be able to track your application.

Some useful tools for filling out your LPA application online

If you use the OPG’s Online LPA Service there is step-by-step guidance to help you. The online service will also help you spot any potential issues with your LPA application before you print, sign and send it to be registered.

To err is human, to check is superhuman

The OPG has done a blog post on hints and tips to help you complete your LPA application. This is an excellent article on the top eight errors that they commonly see being made.

If you have any problems, you can always contact the OPG, which will be happy to help: or phone 0300 456 0300.

In pod we trust

The OPG has also created a podcast series. Below is the podcast on the top tips for getting your application right first time.


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