When choosing your Power of Attorney, you may be thinking of the same person for both a Lasting Power of Attorney...
Donor Articles
Six Steps to Setting up an LPA: Start here
Granting Lasting Power of Attorney can be surprisingly easy. There are different types of Power of Attorney but the...
Do you need a solicitor’s help with Power of Attorney?
The Office of the Public Guardian provides free forms that you can fill out and register yourself to appoint a Lasting Power of Attorney. So, do you need a solicitor's help with Power of Attorney? Well, it really depends on how complicated your affairs are and whether...
OPG Campaign: Your voice. Your decision.
The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) has launched a campaign to highlight the need to register a power of attorney. The "Your voice. Your decision." campaign has real time stories of donor's and attorney's so you can hear people talk about their experience of LPAs....
Questions for the Donor: What should they be asking?
Questions for the donor, what should the donor be asking when including preferences and instructions in their Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)? Giving an attorney the authority to make decisions on your behalf is an onerous position. When you are giving that...